Thursday, August 27, 2009


Mia Yucatan Tan Indian Blanket Mocassin Boot

Cozy up to the Mia Yucatan Tan Indian Blanket Moccasin Boot, a soft and cute boho take on fashion. The warm, wool fabric upper is trimmed in tan suede at top and suede leather appears again with the moccasin style shoe and suede straps wrapping and tying at the sides. Pull on style shaft measures 11.5" at rear. Fabric lining. Rubber 1/2" heel and flex sole. Lightly cushioned insole. Fit is true to size. Available in whole and half sizes. Fabric and leather upper. Balance man made. Imported.

The Blowfish Zanadu Bark Canvas Summer Boot

The Blowfish Zanadu Bark Canvas Summer Boot is as light as a feather and cute as can be. The soft, tan textile upper has an extra panel with adjustable ties at the back. 11" shaft is pull on style. Cushioned at the heel. Flat 1/2" heel on a felt like sole. Fit is true to size. Available in whole and half sizes. All man made materials. Imported.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Max Azria: Nastia Liukin

Nastia Liukin - US gold medal gymnast:

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Amonity - skamieniałości charakterystyczne dla facji morskich mezozoiku.

Z kolekcji W.Kruk

Krywule / krywulki

Krywulki to tradycyjna biżuteria karpacka, wytwarzana ręcznie od Łemkowszczyzny po Huculszczyznę i Karpaty Marmaroskie. Każdy z tych regionów ma swoje charakterystyczne odmiany, kolorystykę i wzornictwo, znajdujące odzwierciedlenie w haftach, rzeźbach, kolorowych pisankach czy obrazach - dla wszystkich wspólna jest jednak technika wytwarzania. Na cienką, mocną nić lub drucik, ręcznie lub przy użyciu specjalnych krosien nanizywano setki kolorowych koralików, które układając się w geometryczny wzór tworzyły piękną ozdobę stroju damskiego i męskiego. Bogactwo zdobnictwa i misterność wykonania świadczyły niejednokrotnie o zamożności panny, która krywulkę nosiła - tak było na Łemkowszczyźnie, gdzie krywule osiągały szerokość 15-20cm i pokrywały całe ramiona.

Węższe były sylianki, często ozdobione prostym, czarno-czerwonym, charakterystycznym dla regionu, bojkowskim wzorem. Typowo huculskim naszyjnikiem były gerdany - długie naszyjniki z przodu zakończone medalionem, noszone - co ciekawe zarówno przez kobiety, jak i mężczyzn.

Dawniej uważano, że tworzenie biżuterii z koralików powinno być zastrzeżone dla osób o czystym sercu, by wraz z koralikowym cudeńkiem mogły przekazać pozytywną energię komuś, kto będzie nosił koralikowe ozdoby.

Polish folk art (rhinestone jewelry)

Friday, August 21, 2009


Spanich brand - very popular within teenagers. Well, I'm not a fan of this style (I don't like to be compare with 'youngees') but this shirt with a vest (?) I would really like to see, and then maybe even posess (however it is probably Zara Basic line, more expensive sub-brand).

Matryoshka dolls

A Matryoshka doll or a Russian nested doll (often incorrectly referred to as a Babushka doll - babushka means "grandmother" in Russian), is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other. "Matryoshka" (Матрёшка) is a derivative of the Russian female first name "Matryona", which was a very popular name among peasants in old Russia. The name "Matryona" in turn is related to the Latin root "mater" and means "mother", so the name is closely connected with motherhood and in turn the doll has come to symbolize fertility.



Modern artists create many new styles of nesting dolls. Common themes include animal collections, portraits and caricatures of famous politicians, musicians and popular movie stars. Martin Margiela - matryoshka is blind according to censored Russia?

And below, cosmetics by Pupa (sophisticated italian brand) - line "Puposhka".


Make up set

Kenzo Fall'09

Mr p - one man shy...

I have the lamp, as I am a feminist ;)

Fancy cars

New Beetle

Smart Roadster

Mini Cooper

Blazers - my love "Free People" - especially:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Watch your back

Diesel Matic jeans - with low back pockets!

I don't like skinny jeans but... just take a look:

Two other real-photos, second time seen on Ashley Tisdale (whoever she is, she has a taste, I like her nordic style cardigan):

Denny Rose

Italian brand - nice catalog photo, in real it does not look so well (poor quality)...

Włoska marka - interesujące zdjęcia katalogowe, niestety w rzeczywistości ubrania wyglądają dość tandetnie...

Kokeshi Doll

In the old days when farm families didn’t have enough, they would have an unwanted child, and they couldn’t feed it and they would basically starve it to death or kill it. They would get a kokeshi doll that would basically be a representation like the spirit of the kokeshi doll is actually in…

Kokeshi ningyo are simple play dolls made of a cylinder of wood. Considered a folk art, they were created in the northern region of Tohoku, a very cold rural area. Scraps of wood would be turned on a lathe and carved into the simple form of the kokeshi, with a cylindrical body and a round head.

The origin of kokeshi is uncertain, but there are several competing theories. One popular theory derives from the name of the doll. Kokeshi, which is usually written in hiragana, a basic Japanese alphabet, could be written in kanji, Chinese characters, as meaning 'extinguished child'. The theory is that kokeshi dolls were originally substitutes for female infants who were killed at birth by the poor families of the harsh cold Tohoku region. However, as they are play dolls, many people dismiss the theory. Another theory identifies the kokeshi with the female tachibina, or standing hina doll, substituting much more abundant wood for the more elaborate paper and wood construction of the tachibina. Whatever the origin, kokeshi dolls were popular toys among children in the north, and grew to be popular collector's craft items throughout Japan.

Hand carved and hand painted from wood, Kokeshi dolls make beautiful gifts. Each Kokeshi doll has a meaning behind its design. Originally made in Japan by farmers to give as gifts to children and friends, Kokeshi dolls will bring joy and happiness to all who receive or collect them.

Dawno temu, gdy ludzie w wielu japońskich wioskach cierpieli beznadziejną nędzę, zdarzało się czasami, że kobiety natychmiast po urodzeniu zabijały swe własne dzieci, z którymi w przeciwnym razie musiałyby głodować. Za każde zabite dziecko była wystawiana drewniana lalka, kokeshi, co znaczy dziecko-któremu-pozwoliło-się-znknąć (ko - dziecko, keshi - wymazywać), żeby ludzie nigdy nie zapominali, że przeżyli kosztem tych dzieci.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hat phone

Hat with headphones plugged in (in use with mp3), fun utilities-combination (particuralry whe you jogging) - however it could be nicer... Launched by Nike:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seen on...

... celebrities. Well, I am not familiar with the ladies but I agree - they look fine. What is suprising for me is that the tunic is being overpriced (on ebay) just because it appeared in a stupid movie ("Twilight", about vampires...). It's weird.

Przykład amerykańskiego szaleństwa. Oba wdzianka znalezione na ebayu - oba reklamowane noszeniem ich przez celebrytów. W przypadku filmu o wampirach ("Zmierzch") - cena tuniki w różyczki poszybowała diametralnie w górę!

Lucky Brand Embroided Rose Tunic in "Twighlight"

Free People Madame Butterfly Dress by Ashley Tisdale

I enjoy the brown one, seen on (just) a model:

S.T.A.M.P.S. watches

Worldwide availability.

'Zegarki-znaczki' dostępne także w Polsce (Galeria Mokotów, Warszawa).

Fringe Moccasin Boot

Boot by Jeffrey Campbell, season 2008 - but I would still love to have it.

Photo by Free People:

(Almost) each time I saw somebody (in Poland) wearing nice boot in this style - it turned out it was American ;)

Tatuum (autumn)

The Polish brand:

Beyond the clothing - I like the model look.


I have the plaid style model ("hobbit") and want one more. Looking comfy - what is actually misleading (the sore is like a tire).

Niedostępne w Polsce, może i dobrze bo niewygodne (podeszwa z twardej, 'oponiastej' gumy, zero tenisówkowatego sprężynowania).

Mother Earth

How many layers is she wearing? I like the set.

by Anna Scott


I love the brand - having fancy design. It's Estonian, available in Europe only.